Saturday, January 28, 2017

Five Simple Things To Make 2017 Your Best Year Yet: Part Three, Make To Do Lists

We are sure you have heard this before, but, we are going to say it again, Make To Do Lists.
There is no better feeling than scratching tasks that you have just completed off your lists.
Whether the task is a small one or very time consuming, the moment you can check it off the list as done, it creates such a euphoric feeling!

When you make to do lists, not only does it help plan out your day, but it also will alleviate that overwhelming feeling we get when we think we have so much to do and  think how am I possibly going to get all this done in a day?

We start the day by writing the to do list.  Review the list and make edits.  Start by listing the biggest tasks first (good to get them out of the way).  Continue listing and put small tasks last.  You will be so satisfied with yourself when you finish those hard to do items, that the rest of the items will be a piece of cake.

If there are items left from the day, then carry those over to the next day.  Do not fret over it, that will happen. 

We also like to make long term lists, like projects we need to do, but not right away.  Keep those lists in a notebook or journal and go through them periodically to make sure you are on task.  We like to
break these down into smaller projects, and tackle them a bit at a time, otherwise, it may seem to daunting to take on the whole project at once.

Writing lists will not only get you organized, it also gives you piece of mind and you will be able to sleep better.  Your list will not be running through your head at 2 a.m.  It will be on your desk, waiting to be tackled tomorrow!


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